Morning over the receding Cachuma Lake, 2015. Near Santa Barbara, CA. High resolution. $250Remnants of communities around the Salton Sea, 2015. Death of wildlife on the shores of the Salton Sea, 2015.Death of wildlife on the shores of the Salton Sea, 2015. Remnants of communities around the Salton Sea, 2015. High resolution. $250The simplicity of using the right tool for the job. Electric tape seals holes pecked by water-starved ravens in Carpinteria.Death of wildlife on the shores of the Salton Sea, 2015.Remnants of communities around the Salton Sea, 2015. Stitched panorama of the shores of the Salton Sea, 2015. Death of wildlife on the shores of the Salton Sea, 2015. Taft, CA. High resolution. $250
Cold, clear night. Full moon illuminating the landscape. Snow crust crunching under foot. The Aurora changing so quickly that it's hard to get my gear out in time to catch the first bright wave.